Thursday, November 05, 2009

Health Care Reform and Blue Dog Democrats

The Hill: Reports on the political problem faced by Blue Dog Democrats when it comes to voting for the Obama Health Care Reform Bill on Saturday, in essence do they vote NO or trust that the compromise Bill with the Senate will meet their political needs, as in survival in 2010. The conservative Blue Dog Democrats have to face the fact that Obama does not have long political coat tails, if they vote for his Bill they are supporting the public option, this will bankrupt the USA and lead to the downfall of the USA as the last super power. The Republicans should make any Blue Dog Democrat pay for any positive vote, make sure their Representative is seen as voting to bankrupt the country, prevent health care for older Americans and those that have served the nation. Let any Blue Dog Democrat know that if they vote for this nightmare of a bill that they will lose their chance for re-election in 2012. The Liberal Leadership does not care about the Blue Dogs, why have a vote when the US Senate will not deal with the issue till next year, thus US Senators have political cover while Blue Dogs in the House of Representatives are flushed down the toilet as to appease LIBERALS.

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