Thursday, November 05, 2009

Folks to D.C

Fox News: Reports that the Republican Party are to bring the folks to Washington D.C to place pressure on Democrats not to support the health care reform bill of the Obama White House. Folks lets not leave it to the Republican Party, its your health care, if you allow Democrats get their way, the USA will be go belly up in few years due to debt, the dollar wont be worth a dime, because the voters have not gotten off their backsides and gone to Washington D.C, not in their thousands but hundred of thousands, to place pressure on Blue Dog Democrats. Thus rather than drink or watch trains, get on a train and go and demonstrate in a peaceful manner in the Capital of the greatest country on earth par the UK. This is your chance folks, you cant say you didn't know, so if you care about the USA, get to D.C, place pressure on the House, make sure your Representatives knows that you will vote him or her out if they vote for this bill. FOLKS THIS IS YOUR TIME.

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