Wednesday, October 14, 2009

US Health Care

As predicted yesterday the US Senate Finance Committee passed their version of the health care reform bill, also as predicted all Democrats voted for the Bill. The one surprise was that Republican Senator Olympia Snowe also voted for the bill. It should be noted that Senator Snowe made it clear she would not vote for any new bill that had the Public Option. On the whole support the Finance Committee Bill as long as it has lower costs for Americans, does not break the bank, allows the Government to pay for Abortions and gives equal treatment to gays and lesbians as other people in the system.

The New York Times: Reports on the fun process of the combination of different Bills in the Senate and House. This is the time for President Obama to show how good of a manager he is of Congress, is the new LBJ or Reagan, or he is Jimmy Carter. The President will have to persuade, do deals and twist arms to get a compromise Bill through, lets hope the Nobel Peace Prize Award has not gone to his head, have my doubts. This is good old fashioned politics time, if you can manage the Congress the Voter will be impressed if not you get one term like Jimmy Carter.

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