Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Biden's Advice on Pakistan = Aid Failure

The Times: Reports that President Obama's Pakistan policy is falling apart, due to Pakistan's refusal to be told how to spend aid from the USA. This is when Obama's arrogance comes in to play folks, this is not 1914 and the Austrian - Hungarian Empire telling Serbia what it had to do to prevent War, give up its sovereignty in essence, Pakistan is an ally of the USA, thus you cant tell it to give up its sovereignty to please 100 would be Presidents in the US Senate. As noted in the New York Times ( when it comes to reporting from this region, the liberal NYT plays it straight ) the USA is not that popular at the moment with the elite in Pakistan, this aid package with heavy strings, the building of a massive US Embassy in Pakistan and the drone attacks has not made the USA that popular within Pakistan. President Obama needs Pakistan and vice versa, its more about equals than than the USA pushing its weight around to keep the liberal base happy in the USA. This is the kind of mistake you make when you follow the Biden advice when it comes to Pakistan, President Obama should follow the advice of General McChrystal when it comes to his AfPak policy.

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