Monday, October 26, 2009

Is Obama another Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan ?

CNN: Has a look at the Obama Presidency in comparison to his predecessors in the Oval Office. Depending your political point of view, if your a Republican you see him as another Jimmy Carter, thus hope he will be a one term President, and you will find another Reagan to take over at the next election. If your a Democrats you see Obama as a Liberal Reagan, the PR skills of Reagan but on the left, also the fact that Reagan become a beloved President. But more important you see Obama winning a second term as President in 2012. After eight months as President how would one grade Obama, well he got his economic package through, but with no Republican support, he has won the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but he still won the prize. As for his foreign policy one would have to look at what he has done, he has sent another 21 thousand troops to Afghanistan, but is now dithering about extra troops, on Iraq Obama is following the Bush 43 agreement on the reduction of troops, all combat troops should be out of Iraq by 2010, but around fifty thousand troops will stay in theatre till 2011. In Iraq we have elections in 2010, thus we have seen terrorist attacks in Baghdad, the aim of these attacks is to make Iraq again a more fragile state, Obama needs a new agreement to keep troops in Afghanistan past 2011. Then we come to Iran, all Obama's friendship requests have been turned down, and it looks like Israel will attack Iran in the near future. Thus the over all grade for Obama, VIEWS does not mark on the curve, tough marking, so one can argue that Obama has come to crossroads, his place in history will depend on Afghanistan, if sends the extra troops as requested he could become another Reagan, or he if says NO, then he is Jimmy Carter, so Mr President what is the word.

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