Tuesday, September 08, 2009

UN and the Afghan Election

The New York Times: Reports that the UN Agency running the Afghan Election will have a partial recount of votes due to the allegations of fraud. The NYT writes the following, " Afghans loyal to Mr. Karzai set up hundreds of fictitious polling sites...." Thus President Obama faces a long process of a weak government in Kabul, political tensions between the political elite, the chance that there might be a need for a second round of elections, which could deliver the same result, a President in Hamid Karzai who could make the job of Obama of selling the idea of more troops for Afghanistan ever harder, also Karzai has stated that he wants to talk to the moderate Taliban, a policy that has a twin edge. The new strategy by the US military is to bring in moderate Taliban, to break them off from the extreme Taliban, but what if Karzai brings in the wrong Taliban, as to place pressure on the USA. At the end of the day Karzai is running in an Afghan Election, he knows how the work the system, is fraud but its Afghan fraud. If the West in the shape of the USA start to act like an Imperial power in deciding who should lead Afghanistan this could lead to more trouble down the line. As this blog has argued Karzai is the new Diem for the USA, the question is what will President Obama do, he is from Chicago, the politics of Chicago would be at home with the Afghan fraud, thus the USA has had dubious elections in 1960 and 2000, this is the time for Obama not to hit the barn over or that barn might fall on US Foreign Policy, and the cost be the lives of US soldiers.

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