Wednesday, August 26, 2009

US Liberals and Afghanistan and Iraq

The New York Times: It has started already folks, the Liberal left is starting to undermine the War in Afghanistan as they did in Iraq, the NYT writes the following, " The war in Afghanistan made sense once but it doesn’t any longer. The war in Iraq never did..." Thus here is the groundwork for next year folks, the Liberal New York Times has started with negative stories about Afghanistan, as it did with Iraq. The extreme Liberal New York Times wants to give American rights to terrorists, leaks national security information, tax the middle class to pay for the poor to have a health service. The question is does Obama have the backbone to stand up to the Liberal NYT, so far he has not, he has allowed his Attorney General to damage the national security of the USA by appointing a special prosecutor to investigate torture claims post 9/11. The President has appointed the FBI to be the main agent in the War on Terror, thus showing a pre 9/11 mindset. It can be postulated that Obama will cave to the Liberal NYT when it comes to Afghanistan, but the cost will be to the security of the USA and the West. The silver lining is that Obama will lose his re-election bid in 2012, the problem is does the Republican Party have another Ronald Reagan.

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