Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Left and Pakistan

Guardian: Reports on the deaths of Taliban/Terrorists in the Swat Valley in Pakistan, the Left Wing Guardian writes the following, " security forces are under pressure to hold an inquiry after being accused by human rights groups of summarily executing suspected militants in the Swat valley. " What is it with papers like the Guardian and the The New York Times, they seem more interested in giving rights to terrorists than to the people, the Taliban/Terrorists wanted to take the Swat Valley back to the stone age, it seems that Guardian types don't see the real world, they seen their cosy left wing views as representing the real world, it never has and never will, the Taliban/Terrorists deserve a summary trial and execution in most cases, we don't have time for cases at the Hague. The Army of Pakistan should be given thanks for doing a good job, not get some nagging from the UK Guardian, on most issues that the Guardian cares about the Taliban are on the other page, don't see many civil partnerships under the Taliban. The Taliban/Terrorists have to be destroyed, they are the modern Fascists or Satanists, they have to be placed on the ash heap of history.

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