Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Health Debate - No Reform ?

The Lakeland Times: Reports that the US Senator Russ Feingold a Democrat has stated that a Health Reform Package might come at the end of year or never. The effect of the town hall meetings on House and the Senate will be interesting, Blue Dog Democrats in the House have gotten a ear full from the voters, also Senators have gotten the message. Also with the death of Senator Ted Kennedy this could effect the progress of the Bill. As the New York Times notes " Republicans think...................that if.....Kennedy were still around — to cajole and influence both sides of the aisle — he might have made a difference. " Thus after Senator Kennedy burial on Saturday what is the political reality for the Obama White House and Democrats, at its most basic they don't have sixty votes in the Senate, thus we come to the nuclear option, to push a health care reform package through with just 51 votes, the Hill states the following, " Democratic leaders will have to resort to a special procedural maneuver, known as budget reconciliation, to pass the most controversial elements of reform,..." Thus we are waiting to see if the Blue Dog Democrats will cave to the Liberal Leadership in Congress, if Senate Leaders can keep all their Senators in line. The death of Senator Kennedy has robbed President Obama of a very import point man in the Senate, lets see if Obama can manage the Senate like LBJ.

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