Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Obama Administration and the CIA

BBC News: Reports that the US Attorney General Eric Holder has appointed a Special Prosecutor to review the alleged tortures cases of the CIA. This could be a costly political bone that President Obama has thrown to his Liberal base. If Obama didn't approve this move then he has an out of control Attorney General, if he did approve the move it shows that he lacks political judgement not seen since President Ford announced to the press that that the CIA had a murky record when it came to Cuba and Castro. The US political world was around before President Obama, even if some of his most ardent supporters think he is the secular second coming, history repeats itself, this is the case with the CIA. After Vietnam and Watergate the CIA in the mid 1970s found itself under Congressional attack for doing what Presidents wanted in Foreign Policy, thus the Church Committee hearings in to the CIA. The actual result was that the Democrats managed to destroy the reputation of President John F. Kennedy, it was through these hearings that it came out that he shared a girlfriend with Mafia Chief, also the Mafia was trying to kill Castor for the CIA. Lets look in the two possible futures here, the Attorney General decides to prosecute the CIA officers, he successful and the Liberal Left wing love Obama. On the other hand there is a prosecution and then the terrorists attack, what are the odds on Obama winning re-election. Think in to the future, the Government has placed CIA officers on trial and on the TV a dirty bomb has gone off in New York or Washington D.C Do you think the voter is going to forgiving of Obama and the Democrats, Obama could be lucky, that the tough methods of the Bush 43 could have broken the back of the terrorists, but what if they are waiting, Obama will lose if he is seen as weak on National Security its that simple, does not matter about the law, CIA officers can be pardoned by Obama's successor, the Deputy Director of the FBI who turned out to be Deep Throat of Watergate fame got a Pardon from President Reagan for allowing illegal acts by the FBI. Thus a Republican successor in 2012 could benefit from this act by Obama, lets hope Obama is lucky, if not lets hope we have another Ronald Reagan.

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