Saturday, August 01, 2009

Blue Dog Democrats and Re-Election in 2010

CNN News: Reports on Blue Dog Democrats and their prospects for re-election in 2012. In pure political terms the Conservative Democrats face a problem, in 2006 and 2008 they had Bush 43 to run against, he was not that popular even with Republicans. This time they have a Democratic President, House and Senate, but worse for these Democrats, you have Liberals at the head of all three, Liberals who like to spend the money of the US tax payer to pander to their base support. The base support is of course Liberals, in Conservative Districts the reverse is true, Ronald Reagan is seen as the ideal President, low taxes, small Government and a big defence. It can be argued that Obama would get a negative mark on the first two, low taxes and small government. Thus his economic package and health care reform is causing a massive headache for these Blue Dog Democrats, at the end of the day they will have to decide do they want to get re-elected, in 1994 a lot of Democrats supported Hillary Care and what did it get them, they lost their seats and Democrats lost Congress, thus if the Blue Dog Democrats want to remain the House they need to keep together and stall this Bill, at the end of the day its down the Senate, if the Republicans can keep together and a few Conservative Democrats join them they can defeat this Health Care Bill, it will be fun fight in Congress this year.

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