Saturday, August 01, 2009

US Military vs President Obama

The Times: Reports that US Military in Afghanistan is heading for confrontation with the Obama White House, the US Military Chief in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal will ask for more troops, this runs counter to the strategic view in the Obama West Wing. This is the War Obama wanted to fight, this is his Just War, know comes the hard part, can he say NO to more troops for Afghanistan, well the simple answer is yes but of course it always more complicated than that, Obama although the 08 Campaign said that Bush 43 has taken his eye off the ball when it came to Afghanistan, well Afghanistan is now his problem. Also he has to worry about Liberal Democrats in Congress who want out of Afghanistan, he can not afford to give them political reasons to pull the plug on Afghanistan, thus he will have to send more troops, its his surge, this month alone the USA has lost 42 of its Armed Forces Personnel, the highest loss since the War started in 2001, thus this is now Obama's War. The question is will Afghanistan turn in to Vietnam, and will the it have the same effect, the Presidency of LBJ was destroyed by Vietnam, can you see Obama not running in 2012 because the War in Afghanistan has become his Vietnam, also Vietnam destroyed the Great Society of LBJ, will Afghanistan destroy the Domestic Programme of President Obama.

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