Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Another Love Letter from the UK Times to Bill Clinton

The Times: Must admit this latest love letter from the UK Times to Bill Clinton made me have a nice cup of tea, the Times writes the following on Clinton, " what a uniquely helpful role he can still play for the present Administration. " I hate to remind the paper of record but there can only be on Elvis in the building and it is not Bill Clinton, what ever you think of Obama its Obama. The BBC and the Times are acting as if they taken up appeasement as a policy, North Korea act like bullies and are seen as a threat to the region, you would get the impression from the coverage that they are Switzerland minus the clocks. Its not if they talk its what they do, will they give up their nuclear ambitions, can we trust they will not sell the information to Iran. I have my doubts that any answer to the above would be positive, this trip might look great now but it could look like Munich in 1938 in a few years time.

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