Friday, July 17, 2009

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports on the death of another British Soldier in combat, the Soldier was from the " 2nd Battalion The Rifles " Thus the UK has now 154 soldiers in combat and another 31 due to accidents, illness or other incidents. In total the UK has lost 185 Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan. The Forces face tough fighting in the summer months in Afghanistan, this year it will be harder, there is a Presidential Election in August in Afghanistan, the Western Forces main aim is to allow the people of Afghanistan to have a voice, that's called nation building in my book. There will more deaths, the question is our brave soldiers will die for what, at the end of the day, after its all over does any think Afghanistan is going to change, it would better to hire a hard nosed SOB to run Afghanistan, who will make sure the Taliban/Terrorists don't come back and thus become a threat to the West, no more 9/11, 7,7.

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