Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More Nixon Tapes

The New York Times: Reports on the release of more Nixon Tapes and Documents. Have to admit I was bored with the constant issue of Watergate, its interesting to see other aspects of the Nixon Presidency. These tapes deal with Watergate, The Vietnam War and Abortion and Israel. Its a pity that Presidents don't record their conversations any more, its like being in the room when historical episodes are under discussion. It would have been interesting to hear Reagan in his first hundred days get his Economic Package through, in that regard Reagan has been compared to LBJ. Also how Reagan ended the Cold War would have been worth a listen. Also Bush 41 and the first Iraqi War and how he planned and won that War. Also how Bill Clinton avoided Impeachment and his other talks!! Of course Bush 43 on 9/11 and the War on Terror and Iraq would have produced interesting lessons. Lets hope Obama like Reagan keeps a Daily Diary.

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