Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tony Blair and Gordon Brown in the Dock of Public Opinion over Iraq

Guardian: Reports that former UK PM Tony Blair and present UK PM Gordon Brown face having to answer questions on Iraq in public. UK PM Gordon Brown made a mistake when he agreed to a Independent Inquiry in to Iraq, he has been forced to move from a secret inquiry to an open inquiry, this could be the final nail in his political coffin. Labour backbenchers might find this is a good reason to dump Brown, they don't need the political circus that will start with such hearings before an election. Thus if the political polls show Labour still in the mid 20s by Xmas time expect Brown to get the call to go, bad polls and the news circus of Brown giving evidence could be the push for Labour to hire a new leader. Also a new leader after Xmas would allow Labour to call an election later on in the year. Iraq cost Tony Blair the keys to No 10, it could also cost the same to Gordon Brown.

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