Sunday, April 05, 2009

World Critical of North Korea

The Times: Reports on the critical reaction world wide to the launch by North Korea of its long range missile. The Obama Administration is taking North Korea to the UN. In other words folks, we have another Jimmy Carter in the Oval Office, the North Korean launch as already against a UN Resolution, what is the UN going to do, the answer is one word, NOTHING. The Communist Government in North Korea is a past master at playing the West. Thus expect more grovelling from the Obama Administration, what the West Wing fails to understand is that this weakness is seen not just by North Korea but also Iran. One can almost hear the chuckle in Tehran, they will think that Obama is even weaker than they thought. They will see that Afghanistan has become Obama's War, they can place pressure on the USA via Afghanistan. Thus expect Iran to go nuclear by the end of the year, the question is what will Israel do in reaction. Lets hope they follow the Israeli example of 1981, when Israel attacked Iraq and its nuclear plant.

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