Washington Post: A look at the split in the Democratic Party between Liberals and Conservatives when it comes to how to treat terrorists held by the US Government and how to deal with the Terrorism an a matter of policy. A Must Read.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Newspaper Round Up on Iraq
Here what the papers are saying about Iraq.
New York Times: How Bush might have the upper hand in September when it comes to Iraq. NYT has done a fair article for a chance when it comes to Iraq.
New York Times: How Bush might have the upper hand in September when it comes to Iraq. NYT has done a fair article for a chance when it comes to Iraq.
Death in Afghanistan
Another Death in Afghanistan, this time it was the RAF that lost personnel. The total of UK deaths is now 74.
New Iowa Poll
Time has a new Poll: Views is still keeping to his prediction that the good people of Iowa will vote in mid December for the race that starts in 2008.
Time Poll ( Democrats )
Edwards 29 %
Clinton 24 %
Obama 22 %
Additional Info: RCP average of Polls has Clinton ahead.
The political gossip is that Clinton would rather Edwards won Iowa then the Senator would win in N.H and thus from that stand point would win the Democratic Nomination. Just to recall Dean was ahead in the same period, what ever happened to President Dean.
Heroic Ship
Views has one abiding hobby, RMS Titanic, he reads the articles, he will watch anything about Titanic, read the books, the ultimate ship v nature and nature won. The BBC Reports that a dive will take place to have a look at the rescue ship RMS Carpathia. The Carpathia was sunk by the German in WW1. The dive will try and rescue artifacts that have a connection with the Titianic.
Daily Telegraph ( UK ): A very interesting article on a key that has come to light that could have saved the Titanic. The key unlocked compartment that held the Titanic's binoculars, the key was not passed by the departing officer to his colleague. Thus the lookouts did not have them on that cold fate full night. In the view of one of the lookouts the binoculars would have given them greater distance to see and thus save the ship.
The Truth for Democrats about Iraq
A very good article in the Boston Globe how the good news from Iraq is bad news for the Democrats. How sucking up to the Liberal extreme wing of the Democratic Party might hurt when reality is different from what the Liberals really want, the USA to be defeated in Iraq. If not defeat then the Liberals will be left on the dustbin of history. If they are wrong about Iraq as they had been about the USSR then what is their point.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Gonzales Update
Its Official Gonzales is out, hope President Bush will put in a strong Republican partisan as the new Attorney General, no one weak who will fold under pressure from the Democrats.
Election FIght in 2008
USA Today: Interesting article on the fight between the states to be the first to vote. My advice keep the Calender will help you in 2008, one word of caution of course it could all change of course.
Gonzales Out
NYT: Reports that the Attorney General has resigned, developing story no official news on the wire.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Dean Disaster
Well folks the Silly Season just go more silly, if that was possible, Florida has lost its Delegates to the national convention because they moved the date up for their Presidential Election. If I was a Democrat from Florida I would throw a right wobble, who is Howard Dean; head of he DNC; of scream fame to tell any one when they can vote. Its time for the elite of Florida to recall that they can give and take away as in they can decided to support a third party candidate or even a Republican. They should make it clear to Howard Dean, that he a very limited time frame to change the rules or else the Democrats lose the Democratic structure in the State. Does Florida want to be pushed around by a failed Presidential Candidate from a some little state. Time for the gloves to come off and for Florida to stand up for its rights.
More Deaths in Afghanistan
Views was sad to hear that three British Soldiers had died due to a " Friendly Fire " incident in Afghanistan last Thursday. So far since 2001, the UK has lost 73 personnel. Of those the BBC reports that Fifty have been killed in Combat and another twenty three killed in different incidents.
Real World Again!!
A excellent article by William Kristol of the Weekly Standard on Liberals and Vietnam
The Weekly Standard: How Liberals caused damage to U.S national Secuirty after Vietnam. A must read.
The Weekly Standard: How Liberals caused damage to U.S national Secuirty after Vietnam. A must read.
Sunday Treat
When you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, thank God for Man's Best Friend. Always Happy and Likes You.
Lessons of History
Since President George W. Bush used the dreaded V word in connection of Iraq, the reviews have come in, here are some of the interesting ones that Views has read.
The Observer: Mr Hitchens shows why using Vietnam in the context of Iraq is a mistake. He has many good points, the White House should read them, hope this is the last time the President will use Vietnam as an example for Iraq.
The New York Times: How politicians and policy makes looks to history to draw lessons. Interesting worth a read this Sunday.
The Times: Why the Democrats might lose on the political front if Iraq turns around and becomes a small plus for the Republicans. Those Democrats that can see results in Iraq don't want to be seen as needing defeat to win.
The Observer: Mr Hitchens shows why using Vietnam in the context of Iraq is a mistake. He has many good points, the White House should read them, hope this is the last time the President will use Vietnam as an example for Iraq.
The New York Times: How politicians and policy makes looks to history to draw lessons. Interesting worth a read this Sunday.
The Times: Why the Democrats might lose on the political front if Iraq turns around and becomes a small plus for the Republicans. Those Democrats that can see results in Iraq don't want to be seen as needing defeat to win.
Iraq Weekend
August takes its name from Augustus, the First Roman Emperor, one of the good ones. Thus we have politicians out of the Capital and on Holiday, this is always good, politicians not doing something is always good, they cant investigate for the sake of investigation, they cant try to micro manage a war. On the whole politicians should take a lot of time off. Its seems that the Democrat Foot Soldiers have smelled the coffee and will not try to micro manage the war, the liberals will go bonkers they thought they had it won when it came to Iraq. What if 2008 goes even better in Iraq, will this destroy the Democratic Party. The Democrats on the Hill don't see they have the power to force the President, the Washington Post reports that they are hopping Moderate Republicans will support them, given the improvement in Iraq it would be hard for these Moderates to really support the Democrats.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Liberals Iraq and Vietnam
Newsweek: Sometimes an article should be read just to prove why Liberals are not competent to handle issues of national security, this is that article. At its heart a the view that if the USA gets out of Iraq as it did in Vietnam the effects will be the same, no threat to the West. Some good news for the terrorists but it wont make a difference in the long term. The following is an example " So, yes, while a U.S. pullout would no doubt inspire a great deal of Al Qaeda propaganda about how they succeeded in forcing the Americans to withdraw from Iraq as they forced the Soviets to do in Afghanistan, the majority of the world’s elites won’t buy it. " Its not the elites that worry me its the Arab Street, those that will see it as " another high water mark after 9/11 " those very same people who will go out and support the Terrorists. That cost is to high. The article goes on to argue that Iraq is a lost cause, if the USA and its allies leave more than Iraq will be lost, the security of the West will be in the balance.
Iraq Intelligence
A new National Intelligence Estimate for Iraq shows patches of improvement but still major problems and the USA will be needed in the future. Iran and Syria will be a thorn in the side of the United States in the future. The report will be used by Republicans and Democrats to stress their point on Iraq policy. The Major Event is that Report in September. This is just the build up to the major political battle between Bush and the Democrats in Congress in September.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Bush and Vietnam
The President today CNN reports is going to say that the mistakes of Vietnam should not be repeated in Iraq. The President will use the results of the defeat of the USA in Vietnam, the many deaths and the people forced out due to the defeat and those sent to prison. VIEWS is not sure the President should use Vietnam in any context, defeat should never be used even as an example. Liberals just love to hear about Vietnam in the context of Iraq.
Liberals love Impeachment
The extreme Liberals in the Democratic Party love to Impeachment President's as long as they are Republican, they became hypocrites when its a Democratic President. Another article that calls for the Impeachment of Bush and Cheney. The article shows how out of touch these Liberals are they want Nancy Pelosi removed because she knows it would be a political disaster, the Republicans to a man would support the President and the general public would yawn, there is an election next year what is the point of waisting so much money for not effect. Republicans in might just want the Democrats to fall of this cliff, they get Congress back and keep the White House.
Liberal Press and Iraq
Iraq just might be turning in to a success and the Liberal Press wants restrictions on the War in Iraq, which is another way to end a War they don't support. Thus an article in the Boston Globe that is asking for Congress to place restrictions on the Bush Administration. The Democrats even the New York Times have smelled the Coffee but not the Boston Globe.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
British Politics - Blogs
Just a quick looks at the main British Blogger's, in other words Guido and Iain.
Guido is looking at the the new era of Brown and not seeing much improvement.
Iain, looks at the downside of political Blogging.
If you want to feel the pulse of British Politics read Guido and Iain Dale, informative and with news scoops.
Guido is looking at the the new era of Brown and not seeing much improvement.
Iain, looks at the downside of political Blogging.
If you want to feel the pulse of British Politics read Guido and Iain Dale, informative and with news scoops.
Al Qaeda and Trial
Its not often that VIEWS reads an article in the New York Times that he agrees with, but one has arrived. The article argues that Al Qaeda should be placed in Court, on the whole a very interesting and thoughtful article worth a read.
The Silly Season
I make this prediction Iowa will vote in December of this year, it is reported in the Washington Post that Michigan will move its Primary to January 15th, this will push the other states to move their own elections. Its looks like Iowa will have an election in Mid December before Christmas. The Silly season of August.
Iowa Poll
Views likes state polls not national polls, here is poll from Zogby.
The Democratic Race in Iowa.
Hillary Clinton 30 %
John Edwards 23 %
Barack Obama 19 %
Full Details Click here.
The Democratic Race in Iowa.
Hillary Clinton 30 %
John Edwards 23 %
Barack Obama 19 %
Full Details Click here.
Democrats Two Faced over Iraq
The Democrats are snookered, improvement in Iraq after the surge so they cant say its a failure so they try a new ploy, yes there is success but not enough success, they don't want to be the party of doom and gloom who want are seen as wanting failure. The are stuck the base of the Democratic Party want out but the base in the not the whole of the USA. If more success in Iraq then 2008 Iraq can be a positive development for Republicans and a negative for the Democrats.
Obama on the Attack! The Wife that is..!!
If your down go on the attack, and even better get the wife to be the Vice - President role, Michelle Obama goes after Hillary Clinton. In essence if your home life is not under control how can you control the USA and the West that is the Obama argument. I wonder what she could be thinking about!! surely not Bill Clinton. How come the best attacks are coming from the wife's, Elizabeth Edwards and Michelle Obama.
BBC and Iraq
Just seen Newsnight, typical line the UK is losing in Southern Iraq, the answer not send more troops but admit defeat. What if this type of logic had been around during WW1 and WW2, Germany winning two fold.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Robert Novak
A very good review for the Memoir's of Robert Novak. Cant wait to read it, looks very interesting on American Politics.
Death of Michael Deaver
This morning VIEWS was sad to hear of the death of Michael Deaver at 69. One of the closes aides to President Ronald Reagan, a master of image and how it was shown on the old TV. American Politics has lost a giant in the art of politics.
NYT and Iraq
The NYT again wanting it both ways, one day Iraq can be won the next its back the old line for troops to be withdrawn. Using Sources but no names to state that the Administration is moving for gradual removal of troops. If I was Bush I would every time the NYT ran such a story would put an extra thousand troops in to make a point.
2008 Election Round Up
Time: Joe Klein of Primary Colors fame gives the nod to Romney in 2008. One gets the impression that the Main Stream Media don't want to see a Giuliani v Clinton, because Giuliani would win. Romney would have problems getting the base out, harsh but true. Don't be surprised to see more in the media that is positive about Romney.
ABC NEWS: Looking at the chance of a Giuliani - McCain Ticket. A very thoughful and interesting article.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
2008 Election Round Up
Some interesting articles on 2008:
New York Times: Karl Rove goes after Hillary Clinton's record. Is this his real reason for leaving so he can go after Hillary Clinton from the outside, give the White House some distance. Karl Rove is good at winning elections.
Washington Post: On what the policy aims of Fred Thompson will be when formally announces he is running for President. On the whole they cover national security, reform of domestic spending. A good read worth a look.
: A old White House Hand gives advice on the final year of the Bush Administration. The article points out small victories but major policy aims don't work in the final year. I was reading the Reagan Diaries, Reagan made sure he had a good book deal half way through, Reagan was realist that was why he was a great President. Also if you have the chance see episode 365 from Sixth Season of the West Wing about the final year and how tough it can be, the press has moved on, power yes but on the whole the best policy is to get your party nominee elected, then you win. New York Times: Karl Rove goes after Hillary Clinton's record. Is this his real reason for leaving so he can go after Hillary Clinton from the outside, give the White House some distance. Karl Rove is good at winning elections.
Iran after Iraq?
Is Iran next after Iraq, the omens seems to point that way, the Bush Administration is building the blocks for a future attack.
The New York Times: Odd article from the the NYT, they see the threat from Iran but don't want to do anything that can cause real problems to Iran, a pre 9/11 mind in the heart of New York one has to wonder. NYT hates Bush so much it cant think in a logical manner, well the paper has released Top Secret Papers that has damaged national security. One has to wonder if they had been around during World Wart Two in the UK, would they have been closed down as a threat to national security.
The New York Sun: Looking at the Appeasement of the American Left when it comes Iran. A good read.
USA Today: The Bush Administration is going to declare that the Iran's Revolutionary Guard a terrorist group. This is well over due, Iran has been a threat since 1979, the West has tried talking that has failed, time to for stronger action if diplomacy fails again. Iran is the German and Japan of the 1930s. Appeasement never works.
The New York Times: Odd article from the the NYT, they see the threat from Iran but don't want to do anything that can cause real problems to Iran, a pre 9/11 mind in the heart of New York one has to wonder. NYT hates Bush so much it cant think in a logical manner, well the paper has released Top Secret Papers that has damaged national security. One has to wonder if they had been around during World Wart Two in the UK, would they have been closed down as a threat to national security.
The New York Sun: Looking at the Appeasement of the American Left when it comes Iran. A good read.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Elite Press and Rove
Lets have a look at what the press has to say about the Rove Departure:
Time: Looking at the Rove myth and not finding much to be positive about, elections won yes but policy below a pass level. In other words a typical Liberal view of Karl Rove.
RealClearPolitics: A very positive article about Rove from an insider. Worth a read for some of the background details about Rove.
The New York Times: Not the greatest friend for Karl Rove but very informative article, covers the same areas victories but policy problems and investigations. Don't expect them not to be happy that he has left the administration.
Washington Post: How Rove helped George W. Bush become President, how the Democrats wanted him to resign over Plame and the firings of the US Attorneys. Worth a Read, very fair article.
Time: Looking at the Rove myth and not finding much to be positive about, elections won yes but policy below a pass level. In other words a typical Liberal view of Karl Rove.
RealClearPolitics: A very positive article about Rove from an insider. Worth a read for some of the background details about Rove.
The New York Times: Not the greatest friend for Karl Rove but very informative article, covers the same areas victories but policy problems and investigations. Don't expect them not to be happy that he has left the administration.
Rove Out!
I was surprised to hear that Karl Rove the Mastermind behind the political development and victories of George W. Bush was getting out before the end of the term. Of course the press think there is another story, this is the Beltway after all, what other shoe is to fall in other words.
The Politico excellent article on Karl Rove, if your running for President you want Karl Rove on the other hand his policy aims are a question. Read this article if you have the time.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Romney on the March?
Mr Romney won the Iowa Straw Poll, but since none of the major candidates turned up what is the point, few good press headlines but and there is the but the real test comes in January. VIEWS will make a prediction, Mr Romney will not be heading the Republican ticket in 2008. The reason for this is simple, views does not think the Republicans will vote for a Mormon to be there leader, harsh but true.
Here is the Sunday round up of what to read if you have the Time.
The New York Times: The article looks how getting out of Iraq might not be that easy, how the candidates deal with the issue. The NYT knows that what appeals to Democratic voters is somewhat different from the rest of the country, the paper is giving cover to the candidates who want to give a balanced version of a policy.
The Politico: A look at the prospects for Iraq as we head for September and a very important report. Also how Terrorists in Iraq might try to have their own Tet e.g Vietnam and the turning of the war. The Administration review of the prospects for Iraq, good and bad. A very good article that looks at the prospects for Iraq and the good and bad developments, if you read one article this Sunday read this article.
The New York Times: The article looks how getting out of Iraq might not be that easy, how the candidates deal with the issue. The NYT knows that what appeals to Democratic voters is somewhat different from the rest of the country, the paper is giving cover to the candidates who want to give a balanced version of a policy.
Afghanistan Never Ending War!
As readers who have been kind enough to read this blog will know VIEWS has been very concerned about the War in Afghanistan. It seems a War without End, over the last two hundred years we have lost thousands of our good troops there, and we are still in the bloody place. Views has not lost his mind, of course we have not be there all that time but deaths are deaths no matter the time frame. Today it is reported by the BBC we have lost another Soldier, so far we have lost 70 UK Service Personnel in the place since the war started in 2001. A few months ago VIEWS caught a ITV story from Afghanistan, our troops are in 1914 - 1918 conditions, e.g trenches in some cases and not enough back up. The answer of the government send more troops from Iraq to Afghanistan, it could be argued the other way around, get out of Afghanistan and send troops to Iraq. One simple question can we win in Afghanistan if not why lose troops, we might win in Iraq if we stay, running out now would be a disaster. Also lets start to get more European troops in, they have been very quiet, whats the point of NATO if they will not support its founders.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Iraq Deaths
More Deaths in Iraq. British Forces have lost 168 Service Personnel since the start of the war.
Xmas Election
The Republicans in South Carolina are moving up their primary to January 19 2008. This will push Iowa and New Hampshire to early dates. I make a prediction the first elections for the 2008 Presidential Election will happen just before Xmas. The joy of politicians on the door in the Christmas Period. I think the big man ( pick your deity ) is having a major laugh, making politicians do some real work!!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Iraq Death
Another death in Iraq, since the war started the UK has lost 166 Service Personnel in combat and other incidents.
The Importance of Art in Society
A interesting article on the treatment of artists by the USSR in the 1920s. The treatment is seen as the start of the terror within the USSR.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Wiretap Approved by Congress - Media Review
Washington Post: Article looks at the view held by the Democrats on the Hill that they had been pushed in to approving the Wiretap as they did not want the blame should a terrorists hit while they are on Holiday.
Roll Call: Raw Results.
Protect America Act: Yes 227 - N0 183.
Roll Call: Raw Results.
Protect America Act: Yes 227 - N0 183.
Liberals on Iraq
The Weekly Standard : A very interesting article by William Kristol on how Liberal Media and politicians have jumped the gun on Iraq and seeing a fault line are coming back to some central ground. Lets Hope its good news in September or those that supported the war might have trouble in defending further action there in the future.
Iowa Poll
A new poll from Iowa. Very interesting, Obama ahead of Clinton, Clinton and Edwards are tied.
ABC NEWS/Washington Post: PDF Required.
Obama 27 %
Clinton 26 %
Edwards 26 %
ABC NEWS/Washington Post: PDF Required.
Obama 27 %
Clinton 26 %
Edwards 26 %
If Views was in charge of the Clinton Campaign he would have the Senator out in Iowa ever weekend and every other day, she can not afford for Obama to win Iowa, NH would be very attractive for Obama to win next and then the nomination.
A Sham House
The problem with thinking you are always right, does not matter if your a Democratic or Republican is that you think after a time the rules don't apply to you. This week we saw that the Democrats think only of ends not means. They lost a vote on the House floor, what did the Democrats do, take it as part of the Democratic Process, yes that will be the day, they had another vote and got what they wanted. The Republicans smelled a rat and a investigation is taking place, the Post writes the following, " Such powerful investigative committees are usually reserved for issues such as the Watergate scandal and the funneling of profits from Iranian arms sales to the Nicaraguan contras in the 1980s. " It can be argued that because the Democrats have failed to get major issues passed such as Iraq they are forced to play dirty pool, they have to bring home the bacon to the base, but are they making the same mistakes the Republicans did when they had the power.
Democratic Credit on National Security
On the whole it can be argued that the Democratic Party has a hill to climb when in comes to the issue of National Security. But this time the Congress has passed a Bill that will help the US Government go after Terrorists over the water. The Bill allows the US Government to listen to communication that goes through the USA but connects people in different countries.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Obama's Path?
A recent Foreign Policy Speech ( pdf required ) by Senator Obama has raised a few eyebrows in the Beltway on the one hand hawkish and dovish, does reality of the world effect Presidential politics.
Roll Call : Obama has called for troops to be sent in to Pakistan to chase after Terrorists who struck on the USA on 9/11 on the other hand he wants to talk to to Iran and others. The article states the following, " Obama clearly means to be the torchbearer for a new generation. But America also needs a president with the experience to avoid a Bay of Pigs, a Vietnam or an Iraq War. " In the article the actions of past Presidents are looked at how they had negative and positive effects. Thus JFK and his polices to the USSR and how this effected Cuba, Reagan and his tough policy towards the USSR. I think the Beltway Press are a missing a basic point, Obama has to win the Democratic Nomination, these early stages are about the base, moving to the Centre comes later in the process. If Obama can win the Nomination he is clever enough to move to the centre early next year.
Chicago Sun - Times: On his speech Obama is getting attacked by his Democratic Opponents and from the White House. On the Democratic Side for being hawkish, troops in to Pakistan and from the White House for not being a Liberal, the respect for International Law and the Sovereignty of Pakistan. Obama might be on the right track, attacked from both sides about the speech.
New York Post: The article points out that Obama is not stating a new plan, the article states the following, " First, there was little new in Obama's proposition for fighting al Qaeda. In fact, he might be alarmed to learn that he's basically taken a long-standing page from the Bush administration's playbook in the War on Terror. " Also an attack without the green light from the government of Pakistan could cause major problems even lead to its fall.
Pakistan is a Nuclear Power, what if terrorists get hold of them, this would bring in India, also a nuclear power. The article states that all opitions should be on the table but we need the government of Pakistan to work with the West. Politics is 24/7 and different candidates have different ideas that is the point of politics, but politicians from both USA parties have to make sure that their plans and their rheotric does not have a long term negative effect on the American Foreign Policy. Obama who could became the next President could find himself boxed in by his own words. What if a few years down the line he is President and he is told that UBL in found and he needs to send in the troops, what if he cant, his words could be used to attack him when he would face re - election in 2012.
Washington Post : The article looks the political conflict between Obama and Clinton. The past versus the Future.
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