Thursday, August 02, 2007

Obama's Path?

A recent Foreign Policy Speech ( pdf required ) by Senator Obama has raised a few eyebrows in the Beltway on the one hand hawkish and dovish, does reality of the world effect Presidential politics.

Roll Call : Obama has called for troops to be sent in to Pakistan to chase after Terrorists who struck on the USA on 9/11 on the other hand he wants to talk to to Iran and others. The article states the following, " Obama clearly means to be the torchbearer for a new generation. But America also needs a president with the experience to avoid a Bay of Pigs, a Vietnam or an Iraq War. " In the article the actions of past Presidents are looked at how they had negative and positive effects. Thus JFK and his polices to the USSR and how this effected Cuba, Reagan and his tough policy towards the USSR. I think the Beltway Press are a missing a basic point, Obama has to win the Democratic Nomination, these early stages are about the base, moving to the Centre comes later in the process. If Obama can win the Nomination he is clever enough to move to the centre early next year.

Chicago Sun - Times
: On his speech Obama is getting attacked by his Democratic Opponents and from the White House. On the Democratic Side for being hawkish, troops in to Pakistan and from the White House for not being a Liberal, the respect for International Law and the Sovereignty of Pakistan. Obama might be on the right track, attacked from both sides about the speech.

New York Post: The article points out that Obama is not stating a new plan, the article states the following, " First, there was little new in Obama's proposition for fighting al Qaeda. In fact, he might be alarmed to learn that he's basically taken a long-standing page from the Bush administration's playbook in the War on Terror. " Also an attack without the green light from the government of Pakistan could cause major problems even lead to its fall.

Pakistan is a Nuclear Power, what if terrorists get hold of them, this would bring in India, also a nuclear power. The article states that all opitions should be on the table but we need the government of Pakistan to work with the West. Politics is 24/7 and different candidates have different ideas that is the point of politics, but politicians from both USA parties have to make sure that their plans and their rheotric does not have a long term negative effect on the American Foreign Policy. Obama who could became the next President could find himself boxed in by his own words. What if a few years down the line he is President and he is told that UBL in found and he needs to send in the troops, what if he cant, his words could be used to attack him when he would face re - election in 2012.

Washington Post : The article looks the political conflict between Obama and Clinton. The past versus the Future.

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