As the crisis goes on here are some articles that look at the background and the development of the crisis.
Washington Post, this article looks at the role of the Revolutionary Guard in the kidnapping of 15 British Hostages.
Newsweek, The article looks the developing crisis between, USA, UK and Iran and what it might take to end the crisis.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Another Reagan or Kennedy
A very interesting article in Time, how the Republicans and Democrats are looking for a past Hero today, thus the Republicans are looking for another Great Communicator in the shape of Ronald Reagan while the Democrats are looking for another Robert Kennedy. My only answer to that search is good luck because your going to need it, a hero comes along only once in a lifetime, to a generation that was Ronald Reagan and Robert Kennedy, although from different political parties you would follow them in to hell and back, wrong or right, that is loyalty and Reagan and Kennedy deserve, sorry to say the present leaders of the Republicans and Democrats don't have it, Obama looks good, a Liberal who has said some nice things about Reagan in the past, but he has yet to be really tested, a hero is tested, 1976 for Reagan and his campaign against President Ford, while Robert Kennedy was the best Attorney General the United States ever had, it should also be noted that when he was running for President he stated that the blame for Vietnam could be shared by many not just the administration. Don't see any Democrats being that Noble do you, Hillary Clinton has been resolute about her vote but she is moving to the left, she has to win. The 08 Election is in need of a HERO.
Iran Articles
Here are some interesting articles that VIEWS has come across on the problems with Iran.
Washington Post, argues that the Bush Diplomacy with Iran does not seem to be working, and when Bush was Tougher with Iran this had no effect either.
UK Guardian, Comment on how Europe can help in the Hostage Crisis.
Ottawa Citizen, article looks at recent developments in Iran and Iraq and the future problems with Iran.
Washington Post, argues that the Bush Diplomacy with Iran does not seem to be working, and when Bush was Tougher with Iran this had no effect either.
UK Guardian, Comment on how Europe can help in the Hostage Crisis.
Ottawa Citizen, article looks at recent developments in Iran and Iraq and the future problems with Iran.
Bush Veto
Thus we come down to it, political theatre by the Democrats to appease their extreme liberal base and a President who must consider the security of the United States. The Senate and the House have passed a Bill to remove troops from Iraq, this will get a veto, the President and the Republicans should push this vote down the throats of the Democrats, weakness in politics should be punished, Hillary Clinton might wish by the end that the Republicans had won in 06.
Iran and the Hostages?
It has come to something when Iran can kidnap 15 Members of the British Armed Forces and the government cant even get the UN to really take a hard view of this action, we have to but up with the economic interest of Russia getting in the way. In international Politics as in Life you have to take a stand, if Iran acts like this when it comes to this issue what will they be like when we have to force them to back down over their nuclear development. The USA, UK in the end will have to take action or Israel will over the perceived threat from Iran, no this is not a call to send in the SAS to get out people out not yet, there are many economic sanctions we can take, lets really hurt Iran if they don't release our troops with 48 hours, lets cut their life blood, cut their oil, block their ports, freeze their air travel in other words order them stop using military or public transport by air, show them what the door to hell can really be, make them think what the next step might be, sometimes an enemy might take action that they think might be in their interest but lets change the board, lets make it our justification to take harsh military action if and I stress if our troops are not returned.
An interesting problem we face in the UK is if you watched the BBC Question Time is that we are perceived to have no backbone, that we will allow third rate powers to act as pirates of the international community. The Question Time is question recalled the one done after 9/11. The BBC had to say sorry for that, same vain, it explains the appeasement of the 1930s. If it was recorded and wathched in Iran one would get the idea that we are weak with no backbone and we like our troops be taken without a shot being fired in defence. This is harsh but it is time the BBC and the rest of the left wing media and the FCO smelled the Coffee. Iran is a major threat and it will have to be take care of sooner or later, lets not be 1939 again, the cost for surrender in the 1930s was to high, firm and strong action is needed before we all say, " WE SHOULD HAVE DOEN SOMETHING, AGAIN! "
Thursday, March 29, 2007
New Polls on 2008, The Democrats
Its that time of year Folks, yes time to look at those Polls, the election for the Nominee's for both parties will be over by February 08, so the time line starts early, next time they will start February 2009, lets hope so or it will be the day after the November election of 2008. What fun!!
On the Democratic Side: The RealClearPolitics - Polls. Out of four Polls Edwards is ahead in three, if Edwards can take Iowa and build up a decent War Chest, he just might have a chance in NH. It should be recalled that Iowa was the downfall for Howard Dean. A Zogby Poll has the following, Edwards 27%, Clinton 25% and Obama 23%. Of course Edwards and Obama could work together, but that might be asking to much of ambitious politicians. Politics is so much about the short term not looking for strategical aim, a Edwards - Obama ticket or the other way around might derail Hillary Clinton.
Bush and Iraq
The President has stated that he will VETO any Bill that will tie his hands when it comes to the War. The President should stand firm, make the Democrats feel the heat of war, they want to run the war, the President should refuse to sign any Bill that he is not happy with, and I mean down to the last dot. This is to important to allow extreme left wing to run American Foreign Policy, a hundred would be Presidents in the Senate and over 40o members in the in the House cant run a Foreign Policy of the last super power. If needed be the President should make it known that any death after April will be on the hands of the Democrats if they don't pass the Bill he wants down to the last dot.
Here are some interesting articles on Iraq.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Iran No Shame
The action by Iran is showing pictures of 15 British Service Men and Women shows how the West can not trust them, and the worry as to how Iran made a British Service Woman say sorry for an action that the Ministry of Defence has proven did not happen has to be worry. It is time the EU got off its backside if they want a Common Foreign Policy well this is the time to show they have the COURAGE of their convictions. Iran is the Germany of the 1930s, if we don't learn that lesson NOW then God help us all in the future.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Iran Again
The London Times reports that the 15 Hostages could be placed on Trial, any of that rubbish and all bets should be off, we are not Jimmy Carter, released at once or else, should be our policy.
It seems Iran wants to play cat and mouse, e.g taking 15 hostages, till they are released VIEWS will call them that, there can be not trade, no conditions for their release, if need be send in a Gunboat to make a point. Iran understand Power, play nice and they will walk all over you, no time to wobble as a British Prime Minister said to a American President. That's Lady Thatcher to Bush 41 over Kuwait.
Ronad Reagan, The Gipper
An interesting article in The Weekly Standard on the Cover of Time, Reagan is on the Cover. As the article points out when Reagan was in office and VIEWS dreams of those days, the Elite Media could not stand him, not that it mattered much Reagan, was Reagan, the Great Communicator, a Kennedy or a Reagan are above what mere politicians like Nixon, or even Clinton could cope with during their time in office. After Iran - Contra broke VIEWS recalls the BBC going to town on it, the old man was finished was the sermon, it was merely the start of the Great Reagan Period, end of the Cold War, fall of the Berlin Wall, Bush 41 was taking 6 months to review his policy on the USSR. The USSR out of Afghanistan. Thus we come to fall of the USSR in 1991. Also it should be pointed out, George Bush, Bush 41 was elected in 88, Reagan's third term it was called, Gore could not run fast enough away from Bill Clinton, and thus we have Bush 43 in the White House. The article covers the many arrows thrown at Reagan but to shows in the end they had been duds all along, Reagan was great, Bush 43 still has time to show he was great.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Democrats Self Help to Lose
The Democrats showed why they lose elections today, why they are never fit to win Presidential Elections, the passage in the House of a Bill to get troops out of Iraq; 218 -212; by next year, shows why the Republicans will win next year. This vote will and should be pushed down the throat of the Democratic Nominee, this is an act of political cowardice, not seen since the end of the Vietnam War.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The Democrats and the Haze of 2008

The Democrats are in charge and it shows, thus we come to the debate about the firing of US Attorneys, the right the President has under the US Constitution and the pattern followed by most Presidents, Clinton fired all of them in 93. This is all about 2008 elections and the Liberal left wing not lot about government.
The Policy of Defeat
The Democrats must have a political death wish, they seem to have no back bone and they are following a policy they cant win; getting out of Iraq and letting the enemy win; it says something when you sell your soul to gain a 50pence in silver. Iraq might finish off Bush 43, but the Democrats should recall a President who who was low in the polls and had a bad war, Harry Truman mates and he is considered a great President.
Friday, March 16, 2007
It seems Iraq is going to cause problems for the Democrats, today in the Senate a Bill to remove troops by 2008 was defeated by 50 - 48. Two Democrats and Lieberman voted against. As you would expect the NYT tried to mitigate the vote with the following, ' The vote was 50 to 48 against the resolution, but since the senators had agreed that 60 votes would be required for passage the measure fell far short. ' As Lieberman has hinted that he would leave the Democrats should they try and cut funding for the war, in many respects the vote today should please those on the Senate side, they would not want to give up their new offices and power. On the other hand the House will cause them problems, the House is full of Hot Heads on the left who want out of Iraq yesterday. They will push and push and the Senate will have constant problems. Also the President has a Veto power and since Democrats cant get 60 votes to close debate without the Republicans agreement the Senate is like a hung Parliament, waiting for the 2008 Election.
The Politico on the Vote in the Senate Today.
U.S Senate on how the Senate VOTED.
Democratic Hangover!
That is the problem when you WIN elections but don't win the whole lot, the House wants out but the Senate cant even get a mild resolution passed on Iraq. Then we have 08 election coming up, the House might be very Liberal, but New York and California and not the whole of the United States, the greatest threat to a Democratic win of the White House in 08 might just be their own Party in the House and Senate. That's the fun about politics, your friends might hurt you more than your enemy, and if your the candidate, either Clinton or Obama you cant tell them to shut up as you need their money for the very and I mean very long campaign after the Candidate is chosen in early 08.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Citizens Advice Bureau v Welsh Local Government
Citizens Advice Bureau's in Wales are heading for a 5/10 % cut in funding from local government. Its time folks to place pressure on the Welsh Assembly, it is election time, the CAB should get more funding due to the great asset it is to the local community. It is free and confidential and helps with all matter of issues of concern to the public. Its time to start getting the press in, lets place pressure on the politicians to take action, Wales is South and North Wales, lets make the politicians earn out votes, it does not matter your political point of view, this is about helping the community as a whole, lets support the CAB.
More on the Cash for Honours !
Guido reports on some of the choice language used by the aide to describe the problem of Lord Levy.
Ian Dale's Diary, more on the legal aspects of the case and the BBC.
Ian Dale's Diary, more on the legal aspects of the case and the BBC.
Lord Levy in the Cold
The BBC reports tonight that an Aide of the Prime Minister was concerned that Lord Levy had had asked her to lie for him in the on going Cash for Honours investigation. It should be stressed all parties deny crime has taken place.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Libby Pardon Case?
An interesting article by Michael Kinsley in Time, a case for a Pardon, for once Views agrees with the elite Media on this issue, the President should Pardon Mr Libby asp and end the case before any one goes to jail for a faulty memory.
Fox News the Best News v Liberals
The Politico reports that the Democrats are pulling out of debate that was being run by Fox News under pressure from Liberal supporters, the Democrats have finally sold what soul they had left. Giving up Free Media coverage is just nuts in this modern political environment, can you see Bill Clinton doing that for a minute, he would be on the stage fighting the good fight. They have not learnt the lesson from 1980 Presidential Campaign when Reagan in many respects used a debate to show who was strong and Presidential and that was even more he was nominated for President and he was running against Bush 41. When political purity comes before good politics one has to ask if deep in their souls Democrats have a glimmer of understanding that they are weak on National Security and want the Republicans to win so they don't have to get their won hands dirty. Modern politics is about money lets be honest on my own blog, free media is the holy grail, and weak and I mean weak and not very bright politicians are allowing themselves to be pushed around by the great unwashed, what a sorry state the modern Democratic Party is, cant see Truman or JFK or even Johnson being in that disgrace for a Political Party.
Friday, March 09, 2007
The President is taking the fight to the Democrats, the Washington Posts writes the following, ‘ president will veto a House Democratic plan because it includes a timetable to start bringing troops home within a year and would undermine military efforts. ’ In many respects the Democrats are playing to their perceived weakness on National Security. The CNN Political Ticker reports that Senator John McCain is critical of the latest new ideas by the Democrats. In the end Iraq should help McCain if the latest surge works of course, politics is sometimes a matter of perception more than reality.
Libby Pardon
Here are some interesting articles on the possibility of a Pardon for Mr Libby.
Washington Post - The article looks at the pressure on the President for a Pardon and the problems the President would face if he wanted to Pardon Libby. The President should ask Bush 41 on the problems he had after the Pardons in the Iran - Contra Affair. President Ronald Reagan was smart enough to leave that to Bush 41, since Cheney is not running in 2008, the problem will land on the desk of Bush 43.
The Democrats need to Fail
At the start of this post VIEWS started off with a tirade about the Democrats, but how stupid can one political party became since 2000. It is like the lessons of Bill Clinton have been lost. The House has produced a plan for getting out of Iraq by 2008, that is going in the rubbish bin, they can force it through the House but it is dead in the Senate, it wont get 60 votes and has about much chance of Bill Clinton running for a third term to the have the 67 votes to over turn a Presidential Veto.
Interesting article on, how the anti War Democrats are placing enough pressure on the the Democratic Leadership to get the USA out of Iraq. Views would recall there is a 2008 election, weakness does not get you votes and can actually lose you votes. Hillary Clinton must sometimes wish the Republicans had held Congress.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Libby and the Elite Media
Libby Found Guilty of Four of Five Counts - Washington Post
Libby Guilty of Lying in C.I.A leak Case - New York Times
Libby Guilty of Lying in C.I.A leak Case - New York Times
Libby Guilty
The Former Chief of Staff for the Vice - President has been found guilty on all charges. What next in the Libby case, will the President Pardon Libby as his father gave a pardon to those in Iran - Contra. If you support Libby time to start with emails to the White House and the Hill.
Cash for Honours
Views has refined from reading to much in to this story, the handing out of titles for support from the Monarchy to modern politicians is not new, Views could not see why Tony Blair should take the rap for a very British Custom, that's how our system has worked for over a thousand years, and on the whole rather well, we have bigger problems to deal with in Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. The Attorney General if he can closed down the investigation about selling planes should close this down, the only fault Tony Blair made was like Richard Nixon, the rules changed on him mid game, and of course he should have gone well before now, there is blood in the water and Elite Media after Iraq want to bring down the PM. Its about time we finished this investigation and got around governing the Country.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Howling in the Wind!
Well folks Views has tried not to look at early polls for 2008, its February folks, but it seems the politicians in the D.C want to start early so Views will start to look at the Iowa and N.H polls for the start of April. Views stills goes with the conventional wisdom that that it will be McCain and Clinton in the general election but on the other hand it could be Gore and McCain. Gore could do a Nixon in 1968 and run with his anti War views in place but with a good record of government also his Oscar for his rant on green issues will play well the early voters. Lets be honest, the reason Al Gore is not President in some respects is Bill Clinton and his scandal. If one thought that politics can be revenge best served very cold, 8 years is very cold, Gore could beat Hillary Clinton and take the Prize. That would be real cold revenge, one has to wonder will Gore have the character to go through a open door and became the 44th President of the United States of America.
Arthur Schlesinger Jr Dead
The last of the great Liberal Icons has passed away, the author of A Thousand Days, the record of President Kennedy's Administration between 1961 - 1963. It should be noted he was a Liberal Democrat, he wanted to impeach Nixon but not Clinton, thus his critical review of President George W. Bush. In the Mid 1990s he had the responsibility to pick historians to rank American Presidents it was no great suprise that his group chose Kennedy and Johnson over Reagan.
Here are some of the news reports on the death.
Newsweek on Schlesinger, fair if not stressing his neglect to mention some of the faults of JFK.
Schlesinger on Reagan, only a Liberal Democrat could write a semi negative article like that, worth a read and you see why even the NYT had to say he was a Partisan Liberal but a interesting character and writer.
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