Thursday, March 01, 2007

Howling in the Wind!

Well folks Views has tried not to look at early polls for 2008, its February folks, but it seems the politicians in the D.C want to start early so Views will start to look at the Iowa and N.H polls for the start of April. Views stills goes with the conventional wisdom that that it will be McCain and Clinton in the general election but on the other hand it could be Gore and McCain. Gore could do a Nixon in 1968 and run with his anti War views in place but with a good record of government also his Oscar for his rant on green issues will play well the early voters. Lets be honest, the reason Al Gore is not President in some respects is Bill Clinton and his scandal. If one thought that politics can be revenge best served very cold, 8 years is very cold, Gore could beat Hillary Clinton and take the Prize. That would be real cold revenge, one has to wonder will Gore have the character to go through a open door and became the 44th President of the United States of America.

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