An interesting article in the National Journal on how Bill Clinton's record as President might come under attack by fellow Democrats, in some respects the opponents of Hillary have to take Bill down a few notches to win the Democratic Nomination, they have to make Hillary Clinton the Al Gore of 2008, make the use of Bill not a asset but something in a middle, make Hillary Clinton run on her record and her personality, Hillary is not Bill and it is about time the Democratic and Media Elite smelled the Coffee.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Bill Clinton Review
An interesting article in the National Journal on how Bill Clinton's record as President might come under attack by fellow Democrats, in some respects the opponents of Hillary have to take Bill down a few notches to win the Democratic Nomination, they have to make Hillary Clinton the Al Gore of 2008, make the use of Bill not a asset but something in a middle, make Hillary Clinton run on her record and her personality, Hillary is not Bill and it is about time the Democratic and Media Elite smelled the Coffee.
Senator Joe Lieberman
The man that in effects decides who runs the Senate has a great power at the moment, by his single vote, Time has a very interesting article on him, the article states the following on his power and its future, " The longer he waits to capitalize on his moment, the greater the danger that he'll be tagged as one of those politicians for whom having power is more important than using it. " Iraq is the one issue that could move Lieberman to the Republicans side, and the Democrats are moving fast to the left.
UN and Iran
The BBC reports that Iran ignored a UN deadline on its Nuclear Development.
CNN reports that concerned powers will meet on Monday to discuss the issue of what next to do with Iran.
CNN reports that concerned powers will meet on Monday to discuss the issue of what next to do with Iran.
Iran Showdown and Bush
The Times reports that on this side of the bond there is a worry that Bush will take action on Iran before his term ends in 2009. The real fear should be that he wont take action, if in the early 1920s we had finished off the Soviets during the Civil War perhaps we could have saved millions in Russia and prevented WW2. Weakness is never a good option no matter what the Guardian or New York Times think about International Politics.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Clinton and Obama
Well folks the mud is starting to be thrown between Clinton and Obama, could each campaign take the other out and let in a Gore Candidate, Gore as a candidate was a disaster in 2000, not all his fault, he could not really use Bill Clinton due to the impeachment scandal.
Democratic Battle - Washington Post It seems Hollywood has smelled the Coffee, in the end its the bottom Dollar, they think Hillary cant win the general and they think Obama has a chance in 2008. Also Iraq is Hurting the Senator. McCain would understand the problem, if he attacks the war he cant win the base but if Hillary says she was wrong she can win the base and lose the general.
Hollywood Liberals - New York Post Views would disagree with the view that Obama has hurt himself in this debate between Clinton and Obama, nice guys come last in Presidential Politics. Views recalls the Gipper in a debate stating that he was paying for the debate and he would have his say, nice and tough goes a long away. The Clinton Campaign has placed Obama on their level, never do that, Obama really could be a threat to Hillary Clinton and her wish to be the first woman President.
Clinton Wrong War - Interesting article on how Hillary Clinton is not helping herself on Iraq.
Clinton and Nixon - Dick Morris, the former Political Consultant has another go at Hillary Clinton, but they are good points. The Clinton's don't react well to a critical review from their own side.
Iran and the Elite Media
An interesting article in the Chicago Tribune on Iran, " The price Iran is paying for international defiance is growing. But to stop its nuclear ambitions, that price needs to grow steeper--fast. " More pressure on Iran NOW will avert more military action in the future.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Iran and The Washington Post
The Post argues that the Bush Administration should use diplomacy with Iran, " That, and not secret military plans, is the missing component of U.S. strategy right now. " but should diplomacy fail and the government in Iran not listen to the UN and the EU, then the President as Commander in Chief will have to take action, he cant wait for 100 Senators who want to be President and over 230 Democrats who have never gotten over 2000 Election to see the problem. The President is in the same position as Reagan, the elite media and Democrats wanted to talk to the USSR deal with them as equals, Reagan had one aim, the West would win and the USSR would be on the rubbish tip. In the end Reagan is seen as a great President, Bush will have to deal with Iran, being weak and cool does not get you any where in International Politics. Reagan was a great President it is time for Bush to show his colours when it comes to Iran.
Faulty Politics
The Campaigns of Edwards and Obama and their early problems show why starting a campaign season in February is a massive joke, and worse bad politics, the only people showing interest are political geeks like Views and the Press, the rest of the population will start to take an interest at the end of the year and the really sane lot will decided in January when they vote in the early elections. Hillary Clinton with the Master of Politics at her side is keeping a centre ground to her campaign, if she goes to far to the left she will win the nomination that is for sure but will lose badly in the general election. All these early polls are daft, Gore could still come in, if Iraq goes belly up. At the moment John McCain is trailing Giuliani but if the surge works this could benefit McCain, a former POW in Vietnam. The Show has just started, still some time for it to run, another two years, God help Us!!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Iran v Bush and the Press

Full Transcript of Conference and Video
Iran in the Frame: At a Press Conference today the President stated that the government of Iran was behind the supply of deadly bombs in Iraq although the President did not blame the leadership in Iraq, the President stated the following on Iran actions in Iraq, ' What we do know is that the Quds force was instrumental in providing these deadly IEDs to networks inside of Iraq. We know that. And we also know that the Quds force is a part of the Iranian government. That's a known. What we don't know is whether or not the head leaders of Iran ordered the Quds force to do what they did. '. The New York Times stated the following ' President Bush said today he is certain that elements of the Iranian government are supplying deadly roadside bombs that kill American troops in Iraq, even if the innermost circle of the government is not involved. ' The Times could not help itself from the mention of the flawed information that lead to the War in Iraq in 2003. It has to be stated that history is littered with one arm of the government not telling the other what it is doing, so that Iran on one hand is taking action in Iraq the leadership might not have all the information on what all areas of government are doing as part of policy.
Wall Street Journal has a very interesting article on the threat from Iran, it stated the following, ' Pentagon sources have been saying for several years that Iranian-style munitions have been appearing in Iraq, and arms smugglers have been caught coming across the Iranian border. What's new is that the Iranian-marked weapons have actually been put on display and an estimate of their toll made public: more than 170 Americans killed in action and more than 600 wounded. ' This was Yesterday and today we have the the President putting Iran in the Frame for the havoc in Iraq, it would be more in Western interest if talks and diplomacy fail to attack Iran's Nuclear development before it becomes active or Israel will have to do the West's dirty work for it again as it did in the early 1980s in Iraq.
Time , More on Quds and Iran.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Obama's Train to the White House

Senator Barack Obama
Senator Obama has stated that he will run for President of the United States, the question is will his train get him to the Oval Office and the White House or will the Clinton Wall stop him in Iowa and other states.
Here are some of the American Video on the News:
Obama declares he's running for president - CNN
A Year is a long time in Politics and in American Politics it can seem like forever. The Politico reports that political operators state that the raise of the Senator could be see with a sharp fall, and points out some of his problems he could face from other candidates in the Democratic Race for President. Howard Dean in 2004 was the Super Star then came Iowa, that's why the political process is fun, so ruthless but they do it with a smile on their faces, kind words then they dig the dirt up on each other, nothing quite like good old politics.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Margaret Thatcher Foundation
Views for the past few days has had a great time going through the archive on the Margaret Thatcher Foundation, if you have an interest in Foreign Affairs this is a Page you should visit, the Archive has links to Presidential Archives of Ford, Carter and Reagan. Views likes to read old NSC material and there is some great stuff on here, if you have the time, visit and understand the late 1970s through to the 1990s in more Detail, US Archives.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Iran and Iran again!!
A very interesting article in the Times by Gerard Baker, the articles looks at the prospects for another War in the Middle East this time between the USA and Iran. The article points out that oil is on the raise on the International Market and a Navy man has been sent to run Central Command. It has been argued in this blog if the UN cant get a deal that prevents Iran becoming a Nuclear Armed Country and we don't want Israel to take action and start a regional war, as the article points out the War in Iraq is not going that well but a ' targeted strikes against nuclear facilities are a different matter, however. ' After Lebanon bombings in the early 1980s, Reagan turned the ships around and invaded Grenada, is President Bush planning something similar from the Oval Office, he once stated that he wanted to be another Ronald Reagan not his father who lost to Bill Clinton 1992. And in a pure politics it will place Hillary Clinton is a no win position, if she opposed a war with Iran, and it was just air strikes she could not win in 2008 but if she supports such a war the left would never let her forget such a move, politics and international politics combined very interesting.
U.S. News & World Report A interesting article on Iraq and how American leaving would effect the region but also quite negative on the prospects for a Surge.
Senate and Iraq
Well the Republicans and Joe Lieberman haven't lost their nerve yet, they held the line and prevented a vote that a majority would have opposed a surge in Iraq. The Vote was 49 - 47, the Dems needed 60. The Democrats are in a majority by only a few votes, they seem to have fallen for their own message always a bad sign. The magic is 60 guys, if you don't have it don't waste your breath.
Washington Times on Senate Politics.
Slate also on Senate Politics, a fun read worth a look if you have a chance.
Rudy all the Way?
Saw Rudy Giuliani on Hannity and Colmes on Fox, Giuliani recalls Alan Alda from the last season of the West Wing, and Hillary Clinton is no Mat Santos. Giuliani is tough on Foreign Policy but a Social Liberal, a true classic Conservative. If both Giuliani and Clinton are the candidates who wins in New York, the Mayor of the World, or Hillary, I would go with Giuliani. Also this would place states that normally vote for the Democrats in to play, I wonder if the political minds behind Clinton have a worry that she could lose badly in a election if Giuliani is running, example, 1972 / 1984, would could argue it would be a new ball game, if the Conservative base can vote for him and he can get moderates and Liberals then Clinton has no chance, but we are long way to go yet. There are national polls already but VIEWS will not start to really read them till later in the year. A WEEK IS A LONG TIME IN POLITICS FOLKS.
Washington Post on Giuliani in the Race for 2008
Monday, February 05, 2007
More on Iran Part Two
An excellent article by Michael Barone on RealClearPolitics, Turning Toward Iran, Barone gets to the main point with the following, ' The critics ignore the fact that Iran has been making war against us for 27 years, since they violated the most fundamental law of diplomacy by taking our diplomats hostage. The critics seem more interested in seeing Bush lose than in seeing the United States win. Fortunately Bush still wants to prevail. ' The American Media Elite are still fighting the 2000 Election, they could never really get Reagan, the Great Communicator had a bond with the American people, Bush is not a great communicator but he can still be like the Gipper a great President.
More on Iran
Views sees the American left has started to fear that President George W. Bush is about to start a War with Iran, after his warning about their actions in Iraq. Well he has two years to do something about Iran, a nuclear armed Iran is a threat to the West and more important to the American Economy. I ask a reader to think of himself or herself as Prime Minister of Israel, would you allow Iran to became a Nuclear Power, after its leader has stated that he would like to remove Israel from the Middle East. The left in American Politics hate President George W. Bush so much they cant smell the coffee, we cant afford for them to be wrong as they where wrong during the Cold War. Reagan was right and the Liberal Elite of the Media had the wrong views at the wrong time, thank God for the Gipper. If the UN route does not work and they will not come to the table then action must be taken, better early rather than to late. The above is in response to an article in the L.A. Times, the paper is left wing but the article shows how out of touch they really are in LA.
Senate and Iraq
The Democrats are now finding how much a problem it can be to be in the majority but not enough to have Sixty Votes, its seems that the Republicans might stop a vote that opposes a surge in Iraq in less they can have their resolutions voted on.
Here are some interesting articles on the Subject:
USA Today on if the resolution will get passed.
Washington Post on the political cost of the War to the Republicans. The Washington Post states the following on the cumbersome route for the Resolution, ' Should resolution supporters clear their first obstacle, the Senate will move to an anticipated long series of votes on amendments. The big ones to watch include a Republican call for the immediate withdrawal of all troops, intended to put Democrats on the spot, and attempts by antiwar Democrats to strike certain provisions, including one opposing the termination of funding for troops in the field. ' It is a matter of cat and mouse, those running to the left of Hillary Clinton will call for a quick removal of troops, those that want to stand a chance in hell of winning the big prize in 2008 will have to be careful, one wrong move and you could find yourself another John Kerry, Votes count.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
John Edwards on Meet the Press
Well folks John Edwards the wonderkid of 2004 has turned himself in to the Jimmy Carter of 2008 but not in a good way, saw the Senator on Meet Press on Sunday, does the USA want anther disaster as President. The interesting looking candidate of 2004 has decided that the only way he can beat Senator Hillary Clinton is to go her left, he sounded like another Jimmy Carter when it came to Foreign Policy, it tells when someone is out of their league, talk to Iran what does he think the EU and UN have been trying for these many months. Has the Democratic Party lost in spine, no Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy and that counts John and Robert. They where leaders, here we have mere politicians and to be honest not that good at it either. Edwards on the Domestic Front wants to raise taxes, is the Democratic Party so left is had became the Surreal Party of the United States of America.
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