Saturday, December 07, 2024

US and Russia tell its Citizens to leave Syria - Trump47

BBC News: Reports " Local rebels take most of key southern Syrian region - reports "

Lets Get Real:

The Russians are backers of the Assad Regime, in this they are supported by Iran, another rogue nation.  In historical terms Syria was an interest of France in the 20th Century, ever since the Soviet Era Russia has been a Assad backer in the time of the Assad senior and has backed his son.  The Russians have two naval bases in Syria, Putin will not want to lose them, it has been estimated that Putin has lost six hundred thousand men in the Ukraine War, this might be the reason it has not stopped the offensive by rebels to the Assad Regime, when supposed Super Powers cannot support a small ally it is curtains for them, you can say the same for US and Afghanistan under President Biden, Syria was a major failure for President Obama when Assad used chemical weapons on his own people , or the Ukraine when Trump47 comes in to power.  The Kremlin are getting its people out before the  offensive reaches Damascus or it could be PR by Putin as he might send in Russian troops if he has them to counter the Islamic Offensive.  The West  must wait to see and hope for the best.

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