Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Has the Election Iceberg hit Trump and Biden in Iowa ? - 2024 Candidates/Presidential Election

Lets Get Real:

The American people in poll after poll have made it clear they do not want a rematch between President Biden and former President Trump.  The American people are not happy with the choices being pushed by the Established Parties, the Republican Party has become a CULT OF TRUMP, while the Democratic Party is to afraid to unite around a new candidate.   This is the time for a third party candidate to come forward, either male or female, moderate on social issues but tough on Defence and cutting the spending of the US Government.   The bases of both Parties are well off the reservation, the Republicans follow the cult of Trump, it would give victory to Putin in the UKRAINE, while the Liberal base of the Democratic Party, just wants to spend more, the US is about 35 trillion in debt, that cannot go on.  2024 should be about the rebirth of US Democracy, one just hopes that the Country and the political establishment  wake up in time, or the US will follow the Roman Empire, mass migration and the fall of the Empire, and the British Empire become to expensive for the UK from 1947 onwards after WW2.

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