Monday, April 03, 2023

Finland becomes part of NATO - Ukraine - Russian War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This will not go down well in Moscow, the invasion of the Ukraine was in their twisted view down to the expansion of NATO after the end of the COLD WAR and the FALL of the USSR.  The invasion of the Ukraine has made NATO stronger, and added members such as Finland and in the future Sweden.  The Russian Army has shown itself to be hopeless in the Ukraine, one does wonder why the West was afraid of the USSR during the COLD WAR, they Russian Army has shown it itself to be weak, no structure, and WAR CRIMINALS who have murdered and raped its way through the Ukraine.   One does wonder how long the Army will follow its leadership, they revolted in 1917 and what about that now, saying NO to the Kremlin and getting the hell out of the Ukraine, the invasion of a fellow Slav country is shameful for Russia, let's recall WW1 started after Austria bombed bombed Serbia after the heir to the The Austro - Hungarian Throne was murdered with the knowledge of the black hand of Serbia.

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