Tuesday, November 01, 2022

US Supreme Court DELAYS allowing the Congress to see Trump's tax returns - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Democrats on the Hill will NOT BE HAPPY, they delay is only till after the November Mid - Terms, if the decision had gone the other way, the tax returns would have leaked faster than you can say DEEP THROAT, one can expect that the liberal press and media will go crazy, they totally support getting their grupy hands on the documents.  This is a MISTAKE on their part, what happens if one of their rich donors decide to run for the Presidency, but does not fancy have his or her tax returns in the public arena.   The above was a WISE move by the US Supreme Court Chief, after the Mid Terms the Democrats can have them, of course by then the Democrats could have LOST the House to the Republicans, and next year the Republicans can start to investigate Hunter Biden and the President's decision to leave Afghanistan.  On the negative side they will limits funds to the Ukraine, thus in the lame duck session of the Congress the Democrats need to fund the Ukraine with billions, keep it out of the hands of the Congress and those that follow Donald Trump.

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