Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Nuclear Arms Control between the US and Russia - Ukraine Crisis - Biden Era

This blog has not forgotten the WAR in the Ukraine, on the whole it has become a WAR attrition - 

Lets Get Real:

The Russians BROKE the INF Treaty by cheating, one would not be shocked to LEAR that the Russians have or will cheat on the New Start Treaty.  The Russian word is no good with Putin in the Kremlin.  President Reagan said in essence in his farewell address to the American people in 1989, when the then USSR ( Russia ) pulls a stunt, pull your first punch, when they carry on pull the plug.  The Russians are daily making nuclear threats over the Ukraine,  the nuclear sabre rattling could go WRONG, what if the Russians use a low yield nuclear device does POTUS then move in, the Biden Oval would have too, it would send the WRONG message not to ACT.  As President Reagan said, " Trust but verify " when there is good relationship, but do not be afraid to see the truth.  Putin is a rogue Leader leading a rouge Nation, one cannot excuse the Russian people, they are hardly on the Streets in protest.  They are being feed lies and have swallowed the PR from the Kremlin. 

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