Saturday, April 09, 2022

East Ukraine Governor tells his PEOPE to FLEE - Russian - Ukraine War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

The poor people of the East Ukraine face an intense WAR over the next few days and weeks, it will look like Word War 2, massive tanks and fighters jets from both sides, the East Ukraine is FLAT GROUND, good for tanks.  Unlike the North Ukraine that allows for guerrilla warfare.  That is why the Ukraine President has called on the WEST for more tanks and fighter jets, the Czech Republic has sent tanks, and the Slovak Republic has sent the latest missiles technology.  The US and the UK if they want to STOP Putin must double their efforts, it does not matter if they annoy Russia, Putin is off his rocker already.  It is time for the West to support an ally in KYIV.  Also the people of the East must flee, or else they will become targets for the Russians, who are not playing by the laws of WAR. 

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