Saturday, February 12, 2022

" Get the HELL OUT of Ukraine " - UK/US Citizens advice to Leave Ukraine - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The MESSAGE is CLEAR from the US and the UK to its citizens in the Ukraine, GET OUT and do not expect the RAF or the United State Airforce to come to the rescue, the Ukraine is not Afghanistan, any Western action in the Ukraine could  LEAD to WW3.  In essence the UK and the US are doing another Munich, they are willing to see sacrifice a " Far, Far, way country that we know little about ", in other words the leaders of the US and UK have become the new Neville Chamberlains of 1938.  At least the US and the UK are sending lethal aid support to the Ukraine, the Sky Reporter stated that any invasion could be on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.  It would seem odd for Putin to backdown NOW, he ha almost one hundred and thirty thousand troops on the borders of Ukraine, IN Russia, Crimea and Belarus and Naval and Air support also on hand.  It can be said that Russian Ministers either lying or do not know what their own President is going to do.  The US and UK will only ACT if Poland or the Baltic Sates come under direct THREAT, that would invoke Article 5 of NATO and World War 3.  One really hopes that Putin is overthrown before the start of the Week.

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