Sunday, January 23, 2022

The BOARD is being SET for RUSSIAN INVASION of the Ukraine - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Kremlin is setting up a stooge Government that will follow the rules from Moscow, one can assume from the above that Putin is going for a TOTAL INVASION, not a minor incursion, that will get BIDEN off the hook with his blunder.  The question is how fast can the US and the UK and other Countries arm the Kiev Government and can the supplies keep on going if the Russian mount a full air, land and sea invasion, who will protect the supply air drops, does BIDEN want the US Air Force and the RAF to protect NATO supplies in case the Russians shoot down the supply planes, this can get bad very FAST.  Let's recall that the US and Russia are nuclear powers, it is in their interest not to open the Pandora box of this crisis, it only takes a missile to shoot down a NATO plane for things to get very dangerous on the ground. One has noticed that BBC News, Sky News and Channel 4 news have started to show their appeasing views, very much like 1938 and we know what happened in 1939, World War 2.  After the West gives its formal answers to the Putin demands we shall see what path Putin will take, War or Peace? Let's hope he is not a madman!

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