Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Russian BUILD UP on the Ukraine BORDER - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The way Putin is going he will have to invade Ukraine or look WEAK to the Russian people, he is making demands of the West that NO US President could even think of doing, this is not 1962 and JFK selling out Turkey over the Cuban Missiles in Cuba, the Kremlin wants a legal TREATY that would prevent the Ukraine joining NATO or for the Easter Countries in NATO to have any NATO soldiers or equipment on their soil.  Any talks with PUTIN would have to have NATO and Allied Countries represented at such a meeting, this would include the Ukraine, that is why Putin just wants a meeting between himself and Biden.  This blog thought Putin was just playing gamers, the Russia Army has been told it will not have Christmas off, that will be in the NEW YEAR, the Russian New Year is a few weeks after the Western New Year.   Thus it can be postulated that Putin really means to invade the Ukraine, even take the whole of the Ukraine and not just the EASTER Russian part.  One hopes Biden is up to the job, or the World might be in REAL TROUBLE in few weeks.

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