Sunday, December 19, 2021

Biden's DOMESTIC AGENDA DOA in the SENATE - Senator Manchin is a NO - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

In less Senator Manchin has a conversion in the Christmas Period a MAJOR PART of the Biden is DEAD ON THE HILL.   The Biden package was to much for Manchin, he comes from a STATE that voted by 40% for Trump, I know how I would vote in such a case. CNN had that old Socialist Senator Sanders on, it would be fun to see a Vermont Liberal go to WEST VIRGINA, you would be need the national  guard around him to prevent the eggs being thrown at him!!  Lets recall Senator Sanders on his honeymoon took his new bride to the USSR, he has never come back, that is the OLD JOKE.  One can cannot even call Sanders a Democrat, he has never joined the Democrats, he has moved the Democratic Party to the LEFT, the same path as the House Squad, that should tell you enough about his direction.  The last face the Democrats would want on this issue is his, but then its CNN, they LOST THE PLOT some time ago, it will be interesting how they spin this, and they will spin it, the Party line will be that the US has low unemployment, not seen in 40 years, and Biden passed a infrastructure bill, something the last few Presidents have not done.  But what worries the voter, 1. PANDEMIC, 2. inflation, that hurts in the pocket book.   This is WHY Presidents move to foreign policy, they have more freedom, time for Biden to be TOUGH with Putin of Russia and Iran.  

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