Thursday, October 07, 2021

US SECRET SUPPORT for Taiwan - Asia/Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

One doubts that China is that stupid, a war with Taiwan would mean a war with the US, and let's recall that these nations have nuclear weapons, would China really go there, in war nothing is off the table, the Chinese Government might think that Biden is weak and also irritated by the Aukus security deal, this will allow Australia  to have nuclear powered subs and counter China in the pacific and South China Sea.  A war between the China and the US would be a disaster, it would cost many lives the Western economy would sink, China that holds a lot of US debt would find itself with worthless notes, as the US would declare them void.  One hopes China is playing games, otherwise the WORLD is in big trouble.  The West, in this case the US and the UK has to protect its allies in Asia. 

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