Tuesday, October 12, 2021

UK wants new Northern Ireland Protocol - After Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The speech was strong, it showed that the Conservative Government will take the HARD decisions if needed to protect the Good Friday Agreement, the Unionist groups have made it clear that the Northern Ireland Protocol has to go or they will leave the Government of Northern Ireland, that could lead to early elections and cause major problems for the Unionist side and the UK Government, polls suggest the Nationalist could have more seats in the North Ireland Assembly, thus calls for a unification vote.  This would be a disaster for the Unionist and for the British Government, so the OLD Northern Ireland Protocol has go, the UK has to be VERY firm on this, it is about the UK saying to the EU, take it or leave it, also the ECJ has to be removed, it is a EU institution  thus bias in favour of the EU.  The EU will come out with new ideas tomorrow, let's hope they understand, this could be their last chance, give or the UK will invoke Article 16 and revoke parts that are causing damage to the Province. 

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