Monday, February 08, 2021

Biden on IRAN - Part 2 - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This blog has assumed that President Biden would be an appeaser, this statement that the Biden Administration will not seek to lift sanctions placed on IRAN by Trump, does not change its argument, people do no change, Biden opposed Obama's Afghanistan policy, and used any negative story to undermine the policy.  Also President Reagan had a dim view of Biden, that he was a demagogue who got the big issues WRONG.  The article states that the US will not have talks with Iran in less it returns to the Obama Agreement, while Tehran has stated that it will not return to talks in less the USA removes all sanctions.  One does not have to be brilliant to see the outcome, back channel talks with Iran, the US not pressing to hard on sanctions and then Tehran using that reason to go back for talks.  At the end Iran will get the bomb, as they will hide any new developments, and Biden will find at the end of his first term that Iran has got the bomb, and Biden will have a massive political problem, and Israel with its allies in the region will have to take action. It as if night follows day, and political experts to miss quote LBJ, will be ramming Iran right up's Biden backside or that of his VP if Biden goes gaga. 

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