Friday, July 31, 2020

Lord Botham of Brexit - Brexit Update 1 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

Lord Botham Brexit has a ring to it, of course Lord Botham is a firm Brexit supporter and does great charity work.  The blog does not understand why the PM has placed Ken Clarke and Philip Hammond on the peerage list, they are firm Remain supporters, is No 10 trying to show that the BREXIT WAR is over and the Country must move on, the question is will the former Chancellors follow the Conservative whip or will they just be as stubborn in the Lords as they were in the House of Commons about Brexit.  At least the Conservatives have more on their side, the House of Lords had become Remain CENTRAL for those opposed to Brexit.   At least the former Speaker, John Bercow was not given an peerage, he broke the norms of the House of Commons in his attempts to block BREXIT, he used very OLD precedents in attempt to BLOCK BREXIT, he lowered the standing of the Speaker for his personal agenda. 

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