Wednesday, July 29, 2020

2nd Wave of COVID - 19 - COVID - 19 Update - Health/Economy

BBC News: Reports " Boris Johnson has warned there are signs of a "second wave" of coronavirus in Europe, as he defended a 14-day quarantine on travellers from Spain."

Lets Get Real:

The question is simple, what matters most the economy or health of the general population.  If it is the HEALTH of the people then the UK Government should consider closing down the entire of the UK, that also means Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.   On the other hand if the economic cost is to much for a total lockdown then the Government should consider more extreme local lockdowns, preventing people from leaving areas as done in Europe.   Also enforce the use of masks, even if they are annoying to wear if you have glasses.   This blog would support a three month lockdown of the entire UK, just to finish off the virus, the economic costs will be heavy, it will be like war time, but it might be the only answer. 

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