Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Trade Talks - Brexit 1 - Post Brexit with the EU

It's back,  Brexit!!

Lets Get Real:

Thus we are in the transition talks for a trade deal after Brexit with the EU.  The UK should stand firm, if the French want to try to bully us we can say NO and get ready for a NO DEAL BREXIT.  This would go down well with the UK voter, who made in plain the 2019 General Election that they want out of the EU all its trappings or chains if you want.  Our fish should be OURS, we grant the concessions in our waters not the EU.  If the Germans play up remind them that their economy does a lot of trade with the UK, we could place tariffs on German cars.  PM Boris has to be tough and the Government has to speak with one voice.  The hard remainers are out of the House of Commons, this is the time for the PM to get the UK out of the EU, no more strings and no more ECJ. 

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