Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Doctor Who Review - The Haunting Of Villa Diodati - Arts

Lets Get Real:

This was a real kick the backside kind of episode, the Doctor and the team land in 1816, just as Mary spoiler  is about write her most famous story ( spoiler ).  The Tardis crew find that they face ghosts, ,well Graham can see them, and a powerful figure is coming their way.  The crew find that the House is falling in on it self, when they leave a room they find they are back where they started.  Lordy Byron, Mad, bad and dangerous to know is quite smitten with the Doctor, and chats her up, well he is Lord Byron.   The Tardis Team find that the problem of the house falling in on itself is a fake, set up by spoiler to prevent the Lone ( Spoiler ) find the CPU for the ( Spoiler ).  Mary has a debate about what is means to be human, and the Doctor has to point out, that when it comes down to it, she has to make the final decision, this sets up the two part show.

This was a great show, but one can not say much as it would spoil it for viewers who have not seen it yet, Great show. 

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