Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Queen's speech at the State Opening of Parliament - Brexit 31st January 2020

Lets Get Real:

Thus with a Majority the PM will not face crunch votes in the House of Commons, all of his MPs signed off on the manifesto, even the ERG, the hardest of Brexit supporters.  It seems that Labour has learned nothing from the General Election, it looks like they will oppose the UK leaving the EU on 31st January, also the front runners for the leadership are left wingers, London centred, who think Jeremy Corbyn won the battle of ideas, what part of losing over 50 MPs do they not get.  This blog is looking forward to the end of January, the UK should have a public holiday to celebrate getting out of the EU, it has always been the political structure that this blog wanted out off, the trade side and its weeds do not have that much interest.   The BBC should cut the number of reporters it has at the EU, what is the point of them, it's OVER. 

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