Friday, November 01, 2019

Biden FADING FAST in Iowa - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The Biden campaign is in free fall, he is behind Mayor Pete, moderate and conservative Democrats might find that they have to support Mayor Pete to keep the Democrats having a moderate nominee.  The problem is that Mayor Pete has a " BLACK " problem, it seems that African - Americans are not keen on having a gay President, in SC in recent poll the Mayor had only 1% support from black voters.  The black vote is the one of the foundations of the Democratic vote, thus far they are keeping faith with VP Biden, but for how long.   If Warren takes Iowa and Sanders takes New Hampshire, then the former VP will have to to win SC or he is finished.  The former VP has to spend the next two months in Iowa and New Hampshire, he has to live in these two states for Christmas and the New Year.   It is ironic, the Trump scandal seems to have damaged Biden more than Trump, the Republican base is keeping with Trump, while the LEFT WING Democratic base has moved to the LEFT. 

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