Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Trump vs. Bolton - The Dove vs. The Hawk - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

Iran and the Taliban in Afghanistan are going to think they are the winners out of the Bolton sacking/resignation, Trump is going to look WEAK and a APPEASER, the Trump Oval must do something to counter the view that Trump is the new Neville Chamberlain of modern politics.   The Tehran Regime might think this gives them the greenlight to go nuclear and the Taliban in Afghanistan will just wait out the Trump Administration.  The election of Trump in 2016 shows that the US voter can get it REALLY WRONG, Trump had never served in Government, had no academic record on the subject.   Being New York businessman never cut it for the OVAL OFFICE, Trump makes Jimmy Carter look good, the US needs a new President in 2020, even if it is VP Biden. 

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