Monday, January 14, 2019

What if REMAINERS Thwart Brexit - Brexit Update 1 - Post Brexit?

Lets Get Real:

As last week has shown the Remainers will undermine Parliamentary rules with the help of a Bias Speaker.  It can be postulated that the REMAINERS will STEAL Brexit from the UK Voter.  The UK voter should be VERY ANGRY, the answer is to join the Conservative Party and get the Remain MPs de-selected, as a famous Conservative thinker once stated an MP has the right to vote the way he wants ( before female MPs ) but the voter has the right to remove them by the ballot box.   IF PM May is defeated on Tuesday she should call a general election, and only allow candidates to stand as Conservative MPs IF THEY supporting leaving the EU.   The Remainers will have a choice, either change their minds or stand as individual candidates.   The WILL of the people is going to be thwarted, the people should use the ballot box to unseat the guilty men and women ( a phrase used to describe those that supported appeasement in the 1930s ).   Democracy will die a bit on Tuesday, the Speaker is bias, the HARD REMAINERS have never accepted the 2016 vote, they are more loyal to the EU than to the UK, you either believe in DEMOCRACY OR NOT, there is no half way house. 

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