Monday, January 14, 2019

What happens AFTER May's Plan is Defeated - Brexit Update 3 - Post Brexit?

Lets Get Real:

Thus AFTER the HARD REMAINERS steal the Brexit vote the people should have peaceful demonstrations and respectable conversations, anything else plays in the hands of the HARD REMAINERS.  There should be hundred of thousands of Brexit supporters down to LONDON to demonstrate, there should be public meetings, the Internet should be used to point out that the HARD REMAINERS did not allow the Brexit vote of 2016 to come in to FORCE.   The voters should join the Conservative Party and only support candidates who want a REAL BREXIT.   Conservative HQ should tell local area seats to de-select HARD REMAINERS who have thwarted Brexit, if they do not they local Party should be dissolved, no more invites to Royal Garden Parties.   Churchill one said we fight them on the beaches, in this we should fight them in the ballot box, the fight could go on for years, the HARD REMAINERS have shown they do not respect Democracy and will fight in the gutter, time to fight back, vote them OUT OF OFFICE. 

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