Friday, January 04, 2019

Speaker Pelosi becomes Speaker Again - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Democrats CONTROL the House, the political and media elite have been delighted, there is an old saying, be careful what you ask for, NOW the Democrats control ONE Chamber, they become part of the US Government, the idea of the IRS being closed down might sound good to Conservatives, to big Government LIBERALS, they might find that they have to GIVE to get what they wanted, most US Civil Servants are LIBERAL, how long will they give the Democrats to play to their base, they want their pay, if the Government is CLOSED, they are on the breadline.  The Trump Oval should be TOUGH, keep the Government CLOSED, make the Democrats suffer, block any Bills passed by the House getting through the Senate, make the Democrats learn an important lesson, if you want to be part of the game, you have to deal!

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