Friday, January 04, 2019

Are Remainers Anti - Democratic ? - Brexit Update - Post Brexit

Yes Reader, Brexit is BACK, expect more posts on the subject - I was asked when out on the Festive season if HARD REMAINERS are fascists, as they do not believe in Democracy, I answered that Remainers simply do not think that the rest US, understand the issues, that they from their high level understand the issues, that we are simple folks, that were lied to by the leave movement.   Their loyalty is more to the EU, and we fought 2 World Wars for these people, they would have been supporting appeasement in the 1930s, as a French political writer once stated that the General Will of the people can be hundreds or one, well in the case of Brexit, the will of of the UK voter was decided, they want to LEAVE THE EU - That is called Democracy, so fascist is to strong a word, they are just anti - democratic, even if we had a 2nd vote and they lost a 2nd time the Remainers would be asking for another VOTE, thus anti - Democratic.

Lets Get Real:

The House of Commons can not force a 2nd vote, it can make suggestions, but they are advisory, the Government is the executive, the PM should make it clear that if there is a 2nd vote, the question will be on her deal or no deal, that there will not be a REMAIN option, make the HARD REMAINERS swallow that.    The PM has to look the HARD REMAINERS and the HARD BREXIT supporters in the eye and state in a message that they can understand, that it's her way or they are out, that she will call a general election and the Party HQ will VETO any candidates who do not support the PM, let's see how long these HARD REMAINERS remain to their cause if they are OUT OF THE PARTY and OUT of the House of Commons. 

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