BBC News: Reports " The man nominated for a vacant post on the US Supreme Court by Donald Trump emphatically denied allegations of sexual assault on Thursday. "
Lets Get Real:
It can be argued that that the #MeToo movement has gone to far, the left is bringing up cases based on he said, she said, also if you have ever been in University/College are you saying you NEVER did anything that you would like to keep quiet, also memory is a funny old thing, later years changes your memories of events, does bad sex equal rape, it has to be asked. If you go to University do you want to spend your entire time in your room, never going to parties, never hitting it off with another person, then thinking better of it after having a drink. It the LEFT are really after Judge Kavanaugh then they should go after his legal record as a Judge. One can only hope that Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed by the Senate. Bad sex should not equal rape or assault
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