Friday, January 12, 2018

Trump and his alleged SHITHOLE comments - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Before I start I should say that I used the alleged in the title because Trump has denied saying it and he dies sue, and this blogger is not a billionaire and the UK has better libel laws for Trump to sue.  Readers of this blog will see that on different subjects this blog has given Trump the benefit of the doubt, on this not, it sounds likes something he would say.   The US Cabinet and Vice - President should consider if President Trump is up to the job, its only the start of the 2nd year, and Trump after Christmas has come back like a storm.  In diplomacy such crude language is never used, tin pot little Countries, even banana Republicans are no longer used as they are seen as racist.   The blog supports amnesty and a road to citizenship for those illegal immigrants in the US, people are people, and the US is a melting pot, it helps the US to have different races and cultures.   President Trump you are WRONG!!

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