Friday, October 13, 2017

Trump on ObamaCare - Part 3 - Trump Era

Guardian: Reports further on President Trump's knocking down of ObamaCare from within, " the president issued a surprise notice ....scrapping federal subsidies underpinning the system. "

Lets Get Real:

At first glance it looks like that POTUS is taking a wrecking ball to all things Obama, from Iran to ObamaCare, but that is too simple, on Iran he has pushed the issue to Congress, either do something that works or POTUS will withdraw from the Iran deal, while with ObamaCare the President has been very honest, he wants Democrats to make a deal, thus this pressure on them.  Whatever you think about POTUS is not a fool, he has made some money as a Hotel developer, are we are talking billions HERE, so do not think he is a fool.  ObamaCare was an over step by President Obama and LIBERALS.  This is an interesting development, we shall see how the US Congress reacts to this new developments out of the Trump Oval. 

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