Wednesday, January 13, 2016

How to Appease Iran - Iran Nuclear Deal

BBC News: Reports " The US has thanked Iran for the swift release of 10 US sailors held for entering its territorial waters. "

Lets Get Real:

Even Iran would not throw away the 150 billion dollars held by the US in FROZEN Tehran assets, thus the US Sailoers were released.   The US/Iran deal is a farce, it can be postulated that within a few years IRAN will be a nuclear armed power like North Korea.   It is not to far to say that President Obama is the new Neville Chamberlain and the deal is the modern Munich of 1938, lets hope the next Republican President tears up the deal and also ObamaCare.    At we only have less than a year to a new President, it can be postulated that President Obama is up there with Nixon and Johnson and the worse President in modern Presidential history. 

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